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Guardians of the Galaxy
Release Date: August 1, 2014 (North America)
Genres: Action, Comic Book, Science Fiction
Production Phase: In Development
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures Production Company: Marvel Studios
Premise: Five aliens unite to protect the races of the galaxy from cosmic tyrants and tyrannical overlords. Based on the Marvel Comics series.... More »
Saturday, February 16, 2013
One of the main sites with an inside connection to what's happening inside Marvel Studios these days, the hombres at Latino Review broke the word that Jason Momoa has not only screentested for the role of Drax the Destroyer in the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, but that he's apparently been offered the part. LR is quick to note that negotiations are still going on, which may mean that Momoa's side made a counteroffer to Marvel's original bid.
Momoa played the most recent screen incarnation of Conan in the 2011 movie. While that film was a dud at the box office, the towering actor gave a well-received performance as Klah Drago in the first season of HBO's Game of Thrones.
- Latino Review. Comment on this Scoop (0)Wednesday, September 19, 2012
The director speaks! James Gunn finally went public on Facebook and spoke for the first time about his new job. Here's what the Slither and Super director said to his fans and followers:
"For a month or so there’s been a lot of Internet speculation about my involvement with Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. Until now I haven’t said anything, because I’m trying to be less expulsive about this project than I am about the rest of my life. But last night I got the go-ahead from Kevin Feige to let you all know that, yes, indeed, I am rewriting and directing Guardians of the Galaxy. As a lifelong lover of Marvel comics, space epics, AND raccoons, this is the movie I’ve been waiting to make since I was nine years old. Kevin, Joss, and all the folks at Marvel have been amazing collaborators so far, and we’re committed to bringing you something majestic, beautiful, and unique. I am incredibly excited. I am also incredibly grateful to the fans and the press for all their words of encouragement and support regarding my involvement with this project since the news first leaked. Thanks – you have, honestly, touched and overwhelmed me. And that’s it for now. Other than the occasional photos of my dog and cat here on Facebook, I’ll talk to you again in August 2014 when Guardians is released!"
- James Gunn via Facebook. Comment on this Scoop (0)Monday, September 10, 2012
While screening his black-and-white low-budget version of the Bard's Much Ado About Nothing, Avengers director Joss Whedon was asked to comment about the involvement of his pal James Gunn with Guardians of the Galaxy. Here's what he had to say:
"James is what makes me think it will work. I myself was sort of like, ‘Well, I liked Rocket Raccoon as a kid, but I’m not sure how that plays [to a wider audience].’ He [Gunn] is so off the wall, and so crazy, but so smart, such a craftsman and he builds from heart.
"He’s got a very twisted take on it, but it all comes from a real love for the material. It’s going to be hard for the humans to keep up… I know he’s going to come from left field and I’m going to go, ‘What?’ And then, ‘Of course, why didn’t I think of that?’ And then I’m going to beat him!"
What Whedon also may have (unintentionally) revealed was the admission that Gunn has just started working on the Guardians of the Galaxy screenplay. Up to now, all that has been said was that James Gunn was in talks with Marvel and not that a formal deal had been closed. With Whedon's comments, it seems safe to assume that Gunn's deal has closed and he will direct Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy movie.
- MTV. Comment on this Scoop (0)Thursday, August 2, 2012
Marvel has tapped Chris McCoy to rewrite the first draft of the Guardians of the Galaxy screenplay that was written by Nicole Perlman. McCoy has some heat thanks to three spec scripts that landed on the 2007, 2009 and 2011 Black Lists.
THR says that McCoy's writing style has a "quicky comedic bent," which might give us some insight as to how Marvel is approaching the Guardians' movie storyline.
- The Hollywood Reporter. Comment on this Scoop (1)Tuesday, July 17, 2012
At the 2012 San Diego Comic Con, Marvel Studios unveiled what their mystery movie project for the summer of 2014 is: a live-action Guardians of the Galaxy film.
Concept artwork showed a roster of five Guardians: the tree-like Groot, a blade-holding Drax the Destroyer, sword-wielding Gamorra, gun-toting Rocket Raccoon and masked leader Star-Lord.
The Guardians of the Galaxy movie is slotted for an August 1, 2014 release. No actors or creative talent were mentioned at the unveiling.
- Marvel Studios. Comment on this Scoop (0)