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Release Date: TBA
Genres: Action, Comic Book
Production Phase: In Development
Studio: 20th Century Fox Production Company: Donners' Company
Who's In It: Ryan Reynolds (Wade Wilson/Deadpool),
Who's Making It: Tim Miller (Director), Rhett Reese (Screenwriter), Paul Wernick (Screenwriter), Lauren Shuler Donner (Producer),
Premise: Marvel's mutant merc with a mouth gets his own movie.... More »
What We Think: Ryan Reynolds is a perfect choice to play Deadpool. While he may not have had his chance to shine in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Reynolds deserves to have his own opportunity to play the fast talking... More »
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Special effects supervisor Tim Miller has wound up with the job to direct the Deadpool film.
Miller began his career working on the viz FX for films like Johnny Mnemonic and the Babe sequel, as well as the first two X-Men movies, before rising in the ranks to oversee the FX for Night in the Museum and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. The Deadpool picture would mark the directoral debut of Miller.
- Variety. Comment on this Scoop (0)Saturday, October 16, 2010
The first review of the Reese/Wernick draft of Deadpool has been published online by Cinema Blend, and it paints a great picture of a fun and suitably dark superhero action movie. The site's Josh Tyler loves what the writers have done. Check this out:
"The thing is, it’ll only work with Ryan Reynolds. The character of Deadpool is written in his voice, his style, and when you read it, it’s impossible not to hear him talking in your head," states Tyler. "It’d never work with anyone else but if Reynolds really steps up and takes on the role, it could be the defining moment of his career. Deadpool could become a pop culture icon; he could be Ryan’s Captain Jack Sparrow. He’s that good."
Reese and Wernick find an original and humorous way to explain the inconsistencies with the way Deadpool was presented in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, keep the anti-hero's crazy antics and scarred face and make it an entertaining ride. And there's a great part for Colossus, the X-Men's super-strong steel skinned hero, to play the straight man opposite Deadpool.
"What I’m getting at here is that this is a killer script and more than that, it’s a well-thought out story, which fills in every plot hole and solves every problem that could have been encountered with the character," sums up Tyler. "I can’t imagine anyone doing this any better, and it’s a movie which deserves to be made the right way by the right people."
- Cinema Blend. Comment on this Scoop (0)Wednesday, September 15, 2010
"It goes in such a different direction than a superhero movie usually goes," said Ryan Reynolds recently to Hero Complex, the fanboy blog of The Los Angeles Times, about the screenplay for Deadpool. "It's a nasty piece of work. It's just based in so much emotional filth, completely. It’s like Barfly if it were a superhero movie. It sort of treads into the world of an emotionally damaged person. I always say that Deadpool is a guy in a highly militarized shame spiral…. It's so different than the superhero movies to date, it departs so far from that."
"With Deadpool, it's a lot like going to prison for the first day," Reynolds continues on about the appeal of the superhero to him. "You got to walk up and hit the biggest guy you see to establish a bit of cred. With Deadpool, early on you have to establish that moral flexibility. There's a gamble to it — you’re going to lose a few people right at the beginning but you take the gamble and know that eventually you’re going to win them back. You won’t lose the hard-core fans of the character, they already know who he is. We have to play to a broader audience than that. As an actor you have to be willing to do something like … back in Vancouver we used to call it a [nasty] burger. 'You gotta eat the [nasty] burger to get to the cookies.' And yes, I want to write a cookbook about that…"
- The Los Angeles Times. Comment on this Scoop (0)Sunday, August 1, 2010
The Los Angeles Times reports that Robert Rodriguez has been asked by the studio if he is interested in directing Deadpool. On the record Fox will only say that the Sin City and Spy Kids helmer has been sent a copy of the latest script.
Predators, the Rodriguez-produced sequel to the 1987 Fox film, has grossed $103 million dollars worldwide at theaters on a budget of just $40 million.
- The Los Angeles Times. Comment on this Scoop (0)Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Zombieland screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick have landed the job to pen the story for the Deadpool spinoff movie. Ryan Reynolds remains attached to star as the merc with a mouth even though he'll play DC Comics' Green Lantern superhero first. If the Deadpool script is done and approved by the time Reynolds' Lantern movie has wrapped (sometime this coming summer), he could use his beefed-up body to walk right into playing Deadpool that same summer.
- Variety. Comment on this Scoop (0)Monday, December 7, 2009
CHUD is reporting a rumor from one of their sources that Zombieland scribes Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick are close to signing a deal to write the screenplay for Deadpool. After the abrupt quiet that fell shortly after the Wolverine movie played out in theaters, signing the writers from Zombieland -- who proved in that film that they can juggle comedy and horror together successfully -- would be a strong indication from the studio that they are still keen on making this superhero movie.
- CHUD. Comment on this Scoop (0)Saturday, July 4, 2009
At the London premiere for The Proposal, Ryan Reynolds talked some more about his Deadpool movie and confirmed that the plan is for the character to break the fourth wall and speak to the audience just as the mutant merc does in his Marvel comic book. "Oh yeah, he’s got to. I want to see him break the Great Wall," Reynolds told Empire.
Reynolds reiterated that Fox is still looking to shore up a director and a screenwriter for the project, adding this reassuring comment: "The main goal is to make sure it stays close to the source material." When asked if that means the movie version of Deadpool will somehow have his head reattached and his mouth unsewen as we last saw him at the ending of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, the actor noted, "That we won’t speak of." And that's probably the closest you'll hear him badmouth what happened to DP in that movie.
- Empire. Comment on this Scoop (0)Friday, June 12, 2009
During their interview about Ryan Reynolds' new film The Proposal MTV asked the actor about Deadpool. "I love it, because I get to be involved," came the first part of his response. "And I’m such a huge fan of the character."
OK, nothing new there, but if Reynolds knows his Deadpool then what version of the character are we going to see in his stand-alone movie? The guy from the comic book with the fast-moving mouth and mask or that mute weirdo version seen at the end of Wolverine? "I get to be the authentication police, in a weird way," explained Reynolds. "To their credit — the studio’s credit — they want to make an authentic Deadpool movie, they want to make it as close to the source material as possible."
And just to settle any doubt as to what DP is going to look like in the movie, Reynolds adds, "He’s going to be the Merc with the Mouth, [we’re going to give] all those answers that everyone wants... He’s going to have the scarred-up face, he’s going to be in the suit — and, it’s going to be incredible."
- MTV. Comment on this Scoop (0)Saturday, June 6, 2009
Just like we thought, Ryan Reynolds is answering questions about the Deadpool movie as he does the press rounds for his new movie The Proposal. In speaking with MTV's Splash Page Reynolds gave encouragement that his mutant spinoff project is proceeding ahead, that story ideas are being considered and even that he has a couple of favorite characters from the Marvel comic that he'd like to see in the movie.
"I'm hoping Cable will be in it. Look, I’ve made no secret that I love that character," Reynolds told the site. "I also love some of the more preliminary characters at the beginning of the series. I like Ajax — that’s an easier character to put in. And Black Tom. I think there’s a lot of different villains [we're considering]; you could do a whole bunch of villains in [the first film], or you could just have Deadpool going up against one guy. We’ll see."
The actor also added that the movie is in "fast-track development" by Fox.
- Splash Page. Comment on this Scoop (0)Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Reports published by Variety and Splash Page say that a Deadpool movie has been given the go-ahead by 20th Century Fox after the encouraging box office returns of X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Splash Page claims that the spinoff movie will be produced by Lauren Shuler Donner. [Full story]
- Variety, Splash Page. Comment on this Scoop (0)Wednesday, June 14, 2000
In a huge announcement made last month, Marvel and Artisan Entertainment partnered to bring a vertitable cornucopia of Marvel properties to the big screen. According to Entertainment Weekly, Deadpool is listed as one of the first to get a crack at the silver screen. Artisan is even now fielding calls from screenwriters wanting to take pen for this project.
- Variety, Entertainment Weekly. Comment on this Scoop (0)