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The Dark Knight
Release Date: July 18, 2008 (North America) More Regions »
Genres: Action, Comic Book, Sequel MPAA Rating: PG-13
Production Phase: Released
Studio: Warner Bros. Production Company: Legendary Pictures
Who's In It: Christian Bale (Bruce Wayne / Batman), Heath Ledger (The Joker), Maggie Gyllenhaal (Rachel Dawes), Gary Oldman (Lt. James Gordon), Aaron Eckhart (Harvey Dent / Two-Face)
Who's Making It: Christopher Nolan (Director), Jonathan Nolan (Screenwriter), Christopher Nolan (Screenwriter), David S. Goyer (Story), Christopher Nolan (Story)
Premise: Continuing his war against the criminals of Gotham City, the masked vigilante called Batman finds that the tide may be turning in his favor thanks to the efforts of police Lieutenant Jim Gordon and rising star... More »
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What We Think: Batman Begins brought the Dark Knight's film franchise back on the right track. With the same creative team returning for the follow-up and the introduction of Batman's biggest bad guy into the mix we anticipate... More »