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Crimson Peak
Release Date: TBA
Genres: Horror, Thriller
Production Phase: Script Stage
Studio: Warner Bros. Production Company: Legendary Pictures
Who's Making It: Guillermo del Toro (Director), Guillermo del Toro (Screenwriter),
Premise: Set inside the confines of a haunted house.... More »
Monday, December 3, 2012
Legendary Pictures seems to be liking their business relationship with director Guillermo del Toro. The Hellboy filmmaker is making Pacific Rim for the financier company, having fun building giant monsters and robots to fight it out next summer in theaters.
The del Toro news of the day is that Legendary wants to make the man's next movie, a ghost story called Crimson Peak. Del Toro pitched the idea to the company along with several other ones, thinking that the bean counters wouldn't necessarily go with his idea for a scary movie set inside a big haunted house. Instead, Legendary's president liked Crimson Peak so much he called up Guillermo before he could finish the screenplay, telling the Mexican auteur that Legendary needed to make this happen.
The deets on what Crimson Peak is particularly about haven't been revealed as del Toro wants to keep some twists and shocks a secret for now. However, he did offer up a little about the kind of scary haunted house movie he wants to make.
"Films like The Omen, The Exorcist and The Shining, the latter of which is another Mount Everest of the haunted house movie," del Toro informed Deadline. "I loved the way that Kubrick had such control over the big sets he used, and how much big production value there was. I think people are getting used to horror subjects done as found footage or B-value budgets. I wanted this to feel like a throwback."
Here's another bit of good news: Legendary Pictures might want to step in and finance del Toro's stuck in development hell passion piece, a big budget movie adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness. When last we heard, Universal Pictures had gotten cold feet about Mountain's proposed $100+ million dollar budget, so they backed off committing to the picture. Now Legendary is warming up to the idea of adapting Lovecraft's tale of cosmic horror discovered at the ends of the world.
"They love it, but we just finished Pacific Rim," del Toro added in his interview. "They want to let that film happen and then my hope is, down the line we can do it. People ask how do I choose projects. All the projects in my roster are there because I love them, but the financing process is serendipity. And often, the ones I think will happen don’t, and the ones I think won’t happen, do."
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