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Cloverfield 2
Release Date: TBA
Genres: Horror, Sequel
Production Phase: Pitch
Studio: Paramount Pictures
Who's Making It: J.J. Abrams (Producer),
Premise: Unknown.... More »
What We Think: Did Clovie the monster survive? Did it have any other large friends? Will it go stomp other places besides Manhattan? The possibilities (and pitfalls) for a sequel are wide open -- just don't disappoint the... More »
Monday, March 2, 2009
"We're actually working on an idea right now," Abrams told crowd this past weekend at Wondercon when asked what the latest word was with a Cloverfield sequel (and delivered to the world by Coming Soon.) "The key obviously at doing any kind of sequel, certainly this film included, is that it better not be a business decision. If you're going to do something, it should be because you're really inspired to do it. It doesn't really have to mean anything, doesn't mean it will work, but it means we did it because we cared, not because we thought we could get the bucks. We have an idea that we thought was pretty cool that we're playing with, which means there will be something that's connected to Cloverfield, but I hope it happens sooner than later because the idea is pretty sweet."
- Coming Soon. Comment on this Scoop (0)Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Stopping to talk with MTV Movies Blog, Cloverfield director Matt Reeves discussed where everyone's thoughts were presently at with the rumored monster sequel.
"There are a couple ideas that have potential but we haven't quite cracked it yet," the director said to the site. "When we were in Japan we thought, wouldn't it be cool to do it here?" Another idea being kicked around is that the sequel's story would have "intersections with the original" story but not follow directly after the events we witnessed at the end of Cloverfield.
Reeves doesn't discount the notion that he may direct Cloverfield 2 or that he might just sit on the sidelines in a producer capacity. "There was the thought that maybe we'd bring in some young exciting people and we'd produce their take," he explains. "I don’t know at this point.“I think if we find something that would be incredibly fun to make and that we would want to watch then that’s what would push it over the top. It’s a weird puzzle."
- MTV Movies Blog. Comment on this Scoop (0)Thursday, April 17, 2008
While being interviewed for the release of Cloverfield on DVD, actor Michael Stahl-David told Shock Till You Drop that if fans of the first monster movie were hoping to see the return of his character in the second flick, the future doesn’t look too bright right now for that. “I think they're still trying to figure out how they're going to pull it off," the actor told the horror website. "They have some ideas they're excited about but they're really not sharing them with many people...and they're not sharing them with me.”
- Reported by Bloody Disgusting. Comment on this Scoop (0)Saturday, February 23, 2008
Cloverfield producer J.J. Abrams was caught on video by ReelzChannel and asked what the status was on the sequel. The Star Trek director told the reporter that “There’s an idea that has come up that we’re exploring.” Abrams tried his best to keep his lips sealed when the interviewer posed the question if the second movie would feature a new monster and his answer was enigmatic to say the least. “Another monster, yeah, another sort of interesting way in. But we have some cool ideas. Drew Goddard the writer and Matt Reeves the director have sort of cooked something up so hopefully it will get a chance to happen.”
And would the creative team behind Cloverfield keep the original film’s shakey-cam style of storytelling for the sequel? “No gimmick is good once it’s been done again and again and again,” Abrams said. “I loved it when I saw it in Blair Witch and I thought how cool it would be to do a monster movie through that kind of prism, but you know at a certain point it’s the kind of thing that probably wears out its welcome.”
- Reported by ReelzChannel. Comment on this Scoop (0)Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Less than two weeks after the $46 million dollar opening weekend for Cloverfield, Paramount Pictures has begun talks with director Matt Reeves about making a sequel. Contract discussions are also happening with screenwriter Drew Goddard and producer J.J. Abrams on the sequel. Reeves has also inked a deal to direct The Invisible Woman for GreeneStreet Films, a thriller that he wrote. Depending on how quick the deal comes together for Cloverfield 2, he may move directly on making round two of Paramount’s newly minted monster franchise.
- Variety. Comment on this Scoop (0)Thursday, January 17, 2008
At the premiere for Cloverfield director Matt Reeves was interviewed on the red carpet by horror-themed websited Bloody Disgusting and asked if there were already budding ideas in his brain for a sequel. “While we were on set making the film we talked about the possibilities and directions of how a sequel can go,” explained Reeves. “The fun of this movie was that it might not have been the only movie being made that night, there might be another movie! In today’s day and age of people filming their lives on their iphones and handy cams, uploading it to youtube…That was kind of exciting thinking about that.”
- Bloody Disgusting Comment on this Scoop (0)