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Release Date: December 18, 2009 (North America) More Regions »
Genres: Action, Science Fiction MPAA Rating: PG-13
Production Phase: Released
Studio: 20th Century Fox Production Company: Lightstorm Entertainment
Who's In It: Sam Worthington (Jake Sully), Zoe Saldana (Neytiri), Sigourney Weaver (Dr. Grace Augustine), Giovanni Ribisi (Parker Selfridge), Michelle Rodriguez (Trudy Chacon)
Who's Making It: James Cameron (Director), James Cameron (Screenwriter), Jon Landau (Producer), James Cameron (Producer), Weta Digital (Special Visual Effects)
Premise: In 2154, paraplegic war veteran Jake Sully is offered a once-in-a-lifetime trip to the alien world Pandora if he agrees to work for a mission that will harvest a valuable element from the far-off world.... More »
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What We Think: The guy that gave us first two Terminator movies, Aliens and The Abyss is back in the sci-fi game? It's about time, Jim, and welcome back buddy. We can't wait to see what you're working... More »
Recent Comments
Geez, only 4 comments from 33 weeks ago? I've been literally waiting about 5 years for Avatar. Suspe…
so, teaser with a tent pole summer movie or the Super Bowl? I'd like to see at least some of what th…
This is really the only pure sci-fi experience that moviegoers can walk into in 2009 without any pre…
Corona was the first place I'd even heard about Avatar, let alone so many other films. It was one of…
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