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Area 51
Release Date: TBA
Genres: Science Fiction, Thriller
Production Phase: Post-production
Studio: Paramount Pictures Production Company: Blumhouse Productions
Who's Making It: Oren Peli (Director), Oren Peli (Screenwriter),
Premise: What's in the video footage of three teens that gained entry into the military's top secret Area 51 base in Nevada?... More »
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Paramount Pictures has bought the American distribution rights for Area 51, coming as no real surprise to anyone since Paranormal Activity has done so very well for the studio and they want to stay in good graces with director Oren Peli. Area 51 has also benefitted from the box office success of Paranormal Activity with regards to other territories; the international distribution interest has been high and nearly all of the rights for Area 51's distribution partners outside of America have already been sewen up.
- Variety. Comment on this Scoop (0)Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The first plot details about Area 51 have broken on Latino Review, providing us character names and story details. In the site's coverage we learn that it's four young adults that head off to the infamous military base to try and get videotaped evidence of the existence of extraterrestrials. Minor story spoilers are contained in the script review.
- Latino Review. Comment on this Scoop (0)Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Production begins next week on Area 51, the follow-up to writer/director Oren Peli's Paranormal Activity. Peli will utilize the same documentary look and feel seen in his last film on Area 51 which tells the story of three teens that discover a way inside the top secret Air Force base in Nevada said to house secrets gleaned from alien spacecraft.
"I'd rather not say anything about Area 51 except that I am very pleased to be working with the same team who stood by me for the two or three years it took Paranormal Activity to get into theaters," commented Peli to Variety.
Returning to produce with Peli is Jason Blum. CAA is handling the task of looking for a domestic studio to release the movie. Meanwhile Paranormal Activity continues to build on its momentum this October; Paramount Pictures has just announced that it will expand the film into wide release this coming Friday.
- Variety. Comment on this Scoop (0)