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Angry Birds
Release Date: TBA
Genres: Video Game
Production Phase: Pitch
Who's Making It: Rovio (Publisher - Video Game),
Premise: Based on the Rovio video game where angry birds are launched from slingshots to destroy the fortresses of their enemies, the green pigs.... More »
Friday, July 1, 2011
Former Executive Vice President of Marvel Studios David Maisel has been hired as special council for Rovio, the company that owns Angry Birds. Maisel has begun preliminary talks with directors and screenwriters about the framework for an Angry Birds feature film. Though no deals with any creative types have been struck just yet, Maisel's hiring is a clear indicator that Rovio is serious about not just making a movie based on their best-known game property but other ideas as well. [Full story]
- Variety. Comment on this Scoop (0)Monday, August 23, 2010
With over seven million downloads to date, there's no doubt that Angry Birds is one of the gaming hits for Apple's iPhone and iPad line. But is there enough of a hook to watching angry birds knock down the buildings made by green pigs for a movie to get made? Rovio's CEO Mikael Hed believes that his company has the vision to become an animated powerhouse of production like Pixar, so he's starting to plan out a strategy to move Rovio from a software developer to a full-fledged entertainment company.
Hed said that he's already talked with several movie studios about making an Angry Birds film but he declined to name any names.
- Reuters. Comment on this Scoop (0)