Did anyone else see Coraline this weekend?
I saw the film in digital 3D, and it was gorgeous! It made everything feel a little bit more alive and tangible. It was almost as if I could touch all the characters and sets. I've seen some other animated movies in 3D, but I think it really adds something more to stop-motion.
The movie itself was a little slow, but I was never bored. The character designs were very cool, especially the ones they didn't show in the trailers. I really liked how the film played on the differences between the real world and the fantasy world. The movie got pretty creepy at times, and I loved that.
What did you guys think of it?
The Swollen Goi...
Posts: 14343
Posted: 16 years 1 week ago
I saw it, but I didn't get to see it in 3-D. I went to the place one would expect it to be showing in 3-D, but they were just showing the standard version.
I did see the 3-D preview for it some months back. It looked nice.